National Security and Defence - Operating Environment

Forward : Canada's real war

This endeavour includes aspects of the National Defence Mission, CSIS, CSE, NSICOP and law enforcement as well as awareness and perspective of National Security and Defence, in government, industry, enterprise, civil and individual defence;

This endeavour goes way beyond anything done before or currently proposed, it is not only visionary in perspective and awareness, it is relevant and practical in a pro-active comprehensive nation building state, my only apology is that it has taken a long time, when in actuallity I believed somebody else was doing it, it was not my responsibility and I was too busy with other things. Certainly I have been pre-occupied in my zone.

We can acknowledge that without a National Security and Defence Vision, everything else may come to nothing, be neutralized in effect, a war won without bullets, amazing. However, You and I can accept personal responsbility, the response ability and initiative, endeavours and pro-active ability that has certain audacity of an ultra-nationalist identity, ethnocentric solid character based on true values with unified purpose, true values and true family values.

We need to acknowledge what kind of values are in our operating environment. As an observer, the super imposed so called "Canadian values" which are founded on immoral corrupt Liberalism, globalism, anti nation state and anti family and anti life with the anti white anti founding people agenda of destruction, in addition to allegiance to a foreign criminal agency and all the coresponding proxy wars, acts of aggression and various covert and overt war vector scenarios and related PsyOps, that we are confronted with and forced to deal with.

Evidently or not so evident, degrees of escalation, confrontation and aggression from people who have no manners, zero civilized behaviour, zero ethics, entitlement of their right to challenge and destroy society, oppressive and toxic attitudes and actions and solid moral character and personality base, anti nationalist, anti law and order, anti social cohesion or unity and identity, race traitors and traitors in general, and even in government itself we have treason and high treason, genocide and bio-terrorism being forced upon personnel, total war! Awareness of the social engineering public opinion mind control proaganda by enemies foreign and domestic which exist in mass media enterprise and other places, as they are engaged in political and government interference at every level.

Addition we have the reverse PsyOp justifying total genocide of personnel with corresponding real misinformation and disinformation, such as the so called "vaccine" and testing "bio-weapon" and "bio-terrorism" "genocide" and related threats of no jab no pay, no jab no job and all the other social engineering mind control of ridicule, insults and other tactics to demoralize people with moral and conscience who in fact can identify and enemy, an enemy weapon system, an enemy asset, enemy tactics and traitors or operatives, double agents and the like and numbers that we would never have imagined, and now, it is impossible for these people to hide their true character, etc etc etc.

So total lies and propaganda and real misinformation, deception as well as the simultaneous mass media and big tech social media (enemies foreign and domestic) mass censorship and deplatforming of truth, the labelling of everything as hate speech (truth), conspiracy theory (more truth), racist (nationalist, defence, family, health, sovereignty, values) and now more laws for people who are aware talking about it, including things like WEF, WHO, UN, WTF etc et al, all at war against us.

We can recognize and acknowledge the reality of power, titles and jurisdiction and we can also have that understanding that as individuals and as a group, we exist like neurons in a brain, the central nervous system of national security and defence. Neurons communicate, so do people. If we look at the brilliant and illuminating analogy of a electric or electronic gadget or circut board, people are like components on that device, or gadget or better yet a servo mechanism, a figure of speech that in french is cerveau, sounds the same, does the same thing, we need to recognize that, everyone has a part to play, and a goal achieving mechanism in place, a super achieving mechanism in place, the National Security and Defence super achievement that includes you.

We are often times confronted with strategic, operational and tactical requirements.
Do you need ground support? Do you need air support? What if you are dealing with traitors and bio-terrorists in government or any other problem? Do you need options? Do you need a strategic airlift, or something to go in dangerous ground. Is your job at risk for exercising moral courage and fortitude to do the right thing, the national security and defence move? Do you need a word, an encouraging word? Does some one you know need that encouraging word, or perhaps some awareness, understanding and motivation. To see the world through someone else's eyes, in much greater detail and understanding, that would be easier, right?

This offers integrity, including unredacted truth, thoughful intelligent patriotic ideas, development programs, mission tasking, and certainly the emphasis on moral courage and character, whether in an everyday soul searching practice, or rectifying the problematic challenges we are faced with, this is serious work, a serious endeavour.

Essentially we need to insist on that honesty, and accountability that is empowered by the character and competence of an individual as well as a group, association, entity, company, governing institution, a ministry or any related policy, including any government personnel, including anyone in defence, law enforcement, industry, enterprise, community and family;

Certainly a much greater awareness, with the corresponding and inter-connected realities is needed, and even though there may appear to be limits on intel, resources or the appropriate character with the moral character to do the right thing, we can continue to go in that direction and be true to standing on guard for Canada, the real peace, order and good government, something with heart and soul, nation state sovereignty.

We realize individuals may be confronted with the inevitable realization of their erroneous ways, not as an attack on competence or character, certainly more directed to awareness, the indentification of the enemy and increasing the degree of dedication and devotion to Canada and whatever position, title or power that may be exercised.

We recognize that the challenges due to super imposed cultural genocide, social engineering and tactics that are clearly anti nation state sovereignty, which includes people who are not necessarily deceived, more perhaps mis directed or subject ot erroneous indoctrination, certainly not aware to a greater perspective and perception, including varying degress of proxy wars and asymmetrical war vector scenarios, and certainly those who may be compromised, with subversion, infiltration, ransom and threats or extortion, policy, agendas and all kinds of PsyOps and special operations going on in the background, including propaganda, mind control, social conditioning, discrimination and other class warfare. Welcome to geopolitics near you.

We also realize there is a fundamental difference in operating systems of the resident evil versus the resident righteous, and without being overly religious, we can look at anything in light of wise and unwise, right and wrong, good and evil, life and death, civilized and uncivilized, aware and pro active or ignorance, negligence, wilful contraryness, barbaric, anti nation state activities, which exist in a considerable magnitude.

Furthermore, it is possible, although it may take considerable genius and certainly the right PR - public relations personnel, as some may not be as diplomatic and polite, some may not whitewash or hide or distort or omit the truth and hide the reality of real relevant threats and what to do about it, and certainly there are certain channels of communications to individuals that exist or may be created, to optimize mission tasking success.

Now personnel are subject to continuous toxic environments that are anti white, and anything traditional or nationalist is racist or white supremacist or some other corresponding insults, accusations, attacks to divide and frustrate a unified focus, morale, anything pro-active, including communications concerning the problems that exist, many of which are super imposed in direct spiritual war, in addition to policy, curriculum, new writing or other tactics which are aspects of cultural war, related oppression and tyranny, post modernism and the total corruption and destruction of our society at simultanious, sequential and multiple levels, total genocide and war.

We also acknowledge that even though a national security, defence or law enforcement agency, entity, association, ministry, department, or otherwise may know about something that is indeed a real national security threat, or a real national security asset, or a pro-active course of action that can be taken, and nothing is done, in total rejection of stated mission and purpose of the organization, to the detriment of Canada and Canadians, whether it is in the national security and defence realm, industry, enterprise and civil defence, this is a problem with corresponding challenges that must be dealt with and rectified.

Understanding, dedication with loyalty, duty, honour and ability to do the right thing is essential and in conflict with simple things like fear, often an acronym for false evidence appearing real. Some people would say that the fear is natural and even evident considering the degree of retaliation or ramifications or unintended consequences that may result, which is understandable, however great confidence, faith, trust, moral and physical courage is essential. In some cases it is possible to engage in what is called self sacrifice, knowing what needs to be done has some risk. This also relates to peak performance and peak life experience, and this lifetime, you have the opporunity to rise and shine. You already know what to do.

Having faith, in a spiritual context, is actually a super power, and a life based on character building and service to one's country, community, family, your tribe and close friends, is empowered at a foundamentally different level. "How do you know, whether or not, you you called for such a time as this." Purpose and destiny is something personal and empowering to a whole new level. "To whom much is given, much is required', " "to those who have, more is given." So a foundation and everyday pro-active life based on certain truth, time tested principals that enable success and the kind of fortitude to keep going forward with a much greater degree of battlespace scenarios is essential.

The fear of reprimands, loss of status, pay, job, personal and financial assets, even threats based in terrorism and risk to individual life. In a world of spy versus spy and the level of character, the trust and verify ability with a strong foundation in general and specific doctrine, missiion tasking, moral courage and doing the right thing is essential. Many personnel are simply in the chain of command, and some not commanding anything, simply taking orders, and the difference between the common staff, soldier or officer and the warrior exercising leadership, courage and initiative is considerable, and at the same time, all very valuable.

A soldier or anyone as Defence Personnel, or even an ordinary citizen, as has already been proven, knows that the forced vaccination is genocide and bio-terrorism with a bio-weapon, they already recognize the testing PCR as a bio-weapon, they already know who owns, controls and influences the companies that produce them, they know they are enemies foreign and domestic, they know that mass media including the CBC are included as enemies foreign and domestic, collaborateurs, engaged in acts of aggression and other illegal wars, including asymmetrical, direct and proxy war.

An individual or Defence, Intel or any government personnel, including someone working at an enterprise, are forced to deal with higher rank and authority, of which may be and have been proven to be corrupt, and in the case of the Canadian military, under unders of general ZOG, additionally and specifically the racist anti white Hindu Ministers of Defence (related to Defence Personnel) with the forced vaccination protocols (and other super imposed protocols) and the corresponding collaborateurs and traitors such as specific Generals, the PM or any elected or unelected person, engaged in bio-weapon bio-terrorism and genocide.

So the terrorist threat by government personnel at one level against another level of government personnel or civilians also, is a terrorist, since that is the use of force or the threat of the use of force, whether the jab or no job, rank, title, pay or otherwise other penalties, including unethical and uncivilized and certainly treacherous and represents treason and high treason at multiple levels. So, with all the personnel in the Defence and Intelligence community, not doing their job, not being aware and doing something detrimental to personnel in terms of genocide and bio-terrorism and not doing anything at all, even the exercise of moral courage, is certainly beyond being disqualified and incompetent, it represents being in on the kill, not knowing is no excuse, that is your business, to know, if a civilian can know, without being a psychic, spy or intel agent, it is impossible to not know as a defence or intel community personnel, or as totally being incompetent with no basic real intelligence and actually engaged in vindictive, hateful, uncivilized conduct, actual genocide and treason on many levels.

So, plausible deniability does not hold true, and the probability of indictment, and related guilt of war crimes and genocide including the criminal code exists on many levels, in addition to class action litigation, all on various so called levels of justice, and so called law, and so called procedure. The related insolence and arrogance of throwing things out in court or not hearing it to begin with with some cute or arbitrary technical explanation, will also cause an escalation, which can easily increase to violence, so people in the court so called justice system can actually be causing an increase in magnitude of problems, if they are engaged in the suprression of facts, truth, justice, actual problems from the vaccine bio-weapon, and would represent being agents in the related genocide and national security threats under command and or acting as a double agent and actually of enemies foreign and domestic. It is even more complex yet simple if we consider such things as contract law, commercial law, law of the sea or Marine law, and further jurisidiction and allegiance to foreign criminal agencies, for instance a church, or a government masquerading as a religion, super imposing war and control, a literal military coup d'etat, or even pharma coup d'etat or WHO, UN, WEF coup d'etat, all bio-terrorists engaged in war and genocide. So arbitrary genocide, war, murder, homicide, democide, pharma and foreign criminal agencies and related allegiance, serial murder by decree and force and all such hostile acts in multiple simultaneous and sequential war and genocide vector scenarios, is totally unacceptable, immoral beyond measure, criminal beyond measure. That is the operating environment we are in, the theatre of operations, so to speak. So essential to know and decide what side of the fence, wall or razor wire you are on.

In a more spiritual or character building context, having a conscience and to examine oneself and do real soul searching, applies on a physical, professional and a spiritual level, which exists in terms of character and everyday decisions. We acknowledge where we have missed the mark of excellence, or a superior moral code, or even the exercise of moral courage, our erroneous thoughts and actions, ignorance and negligence, not knowing is replaced by knowing, fear is replaced by courage, real awareness, insecurity replaced by confidence, having faith to go forward is a super power, and like anything, the more you do it the better you become. Successful time tested principals.

In a spiritual quest, repentance is the act of going in one direction, then going in another direction, the grief from knowing we have done something wrong is replace with the joy of doing something right. This applies to everything, defence technology, being civilized with others, real justice not super imposed injustice, moral courage, not cowardice, fear, insecurity and indecisiveness, leadership, not laying down to die or being vaccinated to death by a lethal injection because someone else said so, the knowledge is power, to being potential power if you do the right things, for the right reasons and the right time and the right way, right makes might! The recognition of problems, even problematic, realizing that problems are temporary and being more pro-active and visionary with greater awarness and dedication to go forward and make real measurable progress.

For the day of salvation, some people know about, certainly we are being judged now, by a much higher power, and there exists people on earth with power to exercise true justice, although the extent of capabilities to stop the damage, undo the damage and go forward is an unknown variable, knowing that various technologies and remedies exist and can be created, in addition to divine intervention, divine super natural inspiration and even healing power, for things on a vaccine bio-weapon genocide attack on health sovereignty, there are other relevant options for all the other traitors engaged in cultural genocide and the war against the family, industry, enterprise, faith, industry and national defence personnel, defence technology and defence capabilities.

There are hundreds of reasons not to tolerate the current war and genocide going on in Canada, you only need one. You don't need to excuse yourself from doing your job, your duty or going above and beyond your duty, to excel and be the best of who you are. You don't need to have a saviour complex to do good things, you can accept personal responsibility and exercise personal initiative, being pro-active and you may discover that there are a lot more people on your side going in the same direction of real peace, order and good government, not the opposite. Lot's of people have that power, you already know what to do. Do or die, join or die, simple, right?

Anyone in a Defence or Intelligence community should be proficient in identifying the enemy, an enemy weapon system, an enemy communication system, financial system or anything else, a bio-weapon, a traitor, including race traitor, a real national security asset and a real national security threat. A common citizen, not necessarily a purist or health fanatic or health conscious, or sovereign health individual can do it, without having all the intel and unlimited research and power to get what may be privileged, classified, suppressed, redacted or censored information, in addition to all the real lies, real misinformation, real deception, real propaganda, real mass media manipulation, censorship and official narrative.

In terms of warfare, we should not be sending people, weapons, supplies and money to the enemy or fighting their proxy wars, we should not allow immigration, migration, invasion or anything else from criminals and foreign religions that have declared war on us as evidenced in their "holy books" and actions, and certainly not be allowed and are totally disqualified for any position in government or other valable aspect of society. Certainly we should not allow race treason and cultural and sexual genocide and dumbed down curriculum so called "education system" to exist as national security threats, even though education is a provincial jurisiction, they can be useful as a national security asset with the right ethnocentric ideals or national security threats. Mass media is also a problem that needs to be dealt with including all the social engineering DIE whitey (DEI) super iimposed garbage as a mind virus toxic to any decent patriotic or nationalist or tradional family or traditional defence personnel.

The serious national security threats and problematic challenges we have in Canada can be eliminated quite decisively with awareness, the identification of the enemy including all tactics, unity of purpose, strategy and variations of power, speed and stealth, and whether in the case of all legal channels and procedures are followed or not, there are often roadblocks so to speak and people in place to ensure the anti nation state, deep state and infiltration of enemies foreign and domestic on guard not for Canada, dedicated to the status quo, which is more based on crime, treason, genocide, war, immorality, disease and death, and certainly aspects of the unelected power base in addition to the anti Canadian elected power base.

More details in case you don't know about asymmetrical anti nation state war vector scenarios:

■ Erroneous Policy, Multicultural Act, Immigration, Migration, Asylum, Invasion, dual citizens, foreign allegiance, allegiance to a foreign criminal agency, super imposed supra national organizations, Agenda, coalitions, unconstitutional and illegal political parties, enemies foreign and domestic, enemy collaborateurs, acts of aggression, wars of aggression and illegal wars, proxy wars, foreign entanglement proxy wars and illegal wars (not declared by Congress etc) , cultural marxism, communism, socialism, allegiance to socialist international, all forms of sexual perversion, woke, post modernism, race traitors, anti white etc et al, infiltrated and subversion of government, MP, MPP/MLA, un-elected command, control or influence, mass media monopoly by enemies foreign and domestic (own, vote, control, influence, edit and censor) aka foreign interference, anti nation state activities, social engineering, so called "education system" multiple genocide and war vector scenarios, illegal hate speech laws, political parties and individuals engaged in anti nation state activities, national security threats, proxy war, genocide, against national, industrial, enterprise, economic and civil defence, the war against the real family, the war against white and the founding people, the war against fossil fuels, the so called global warming anti carbon war (no comment on geo-engineering and weather control technologies) the war on health sovereignty, the so called pandemic covid 19 and the "vaccine" bio-weapon and corresponding injuries, disease and death genocide, the 5G genocide machines, chemical warfare and polluted air, ground, water, food and environment, the war on tangible money and real currency, the war for jurisdiction of children against parents, the propaganda mind control mass media and public "education" on top of the anti nation state and terrorist organizations, UN, WEF, WHO etc and related agenda over control of regions and Mayor dictators with no allegiance to their residents and constituents, problems with marine law private courts versus common law courts, so called Constitution of 1982 and the illegal transfer of powers to the courts, "the Myth is Canada" and what to do about it, problematic issues concerning the chain of command as well as supply chain as national security challenges;

This is why we need peace order and good government, and when we don't have that, do we need someone smarter, richer, more powerful or someone with a whole lot more character and integrity and certainly the abiity to get the point across in a conducive manner that enables people in power or title to actually do their job, maybe both, if they have the nationalist patriotic character and moral courage to do so, perhaps they all need a little encouragment…and not put up with all the anti Canadian agenda we are bombarded with everyday in addition to all the advanced persistent threats…in cyberspace and our personal space. Moral courage and time, it is not a monopoly, anyone can have it, exercise it and spend it.

We probably need a totally new political party and elliminate all the traitorous ones we have, meanwhile we will find out who the patriots are and who the traitors are, the last 4 years made that a whole lot easier, right? So for all those who like walls, fences, polarities and clear definities and not cryptic messages, fake policy, hidden agendas and so on, or fancy PR polished statements, you will find this refreshing, empowering and maybe even validating and encouraging, that will be good.

Certainly, for those who can read between the lines and understand various coded language, which may be subject to private interpretation and speculation, we will most likely make every effort to make it as direct, factual and evident as possible along with the options for consideration and implementation. Some of that may simply be presenting information, or great intel analysis and comments, even mission tasking, since many of us prefer boots on the ground, for another exciting day of adventure. Nation Building Adventure.

Additionally, We are not here to hog the credit, we are not narcissistic or self aggrandizing, only having the approach of humble and devoted service, in the light of total empowerment, that an individual can make a difference and you to know that you can express the best of who you are. You will notice relevant and applilcable mission tasking opportunities, and certainly encourage you to jump in with both feet and hit the ground running, we have no time to lose, as we are truly at war right here and now.

As for my esteemed colleagues, brothers in arms, any and all defence personnel, friends and allies, those in government, people in industry, enterprise and family, I salute you. Most encouraging is the level of competence, intelligence, skill and work ethic and professionalism that exists with the character and commitment to your job, career, every endeavour, community and country, work and mission that as personnel you make it personal. It is easy enough to complement, acknowledge and recognize that service and accomplisment, and to offer insight and awareness and to keep going forward, and natural to be inquisitive to ask about one thing or another and see if measurable progress can be made in rectifying any of the issues or problematic challenges we have, however small or great, everything is significant and influential. You need to know that this burns with heart and soul, it is intense and it really is do or die, so make no mistake, make effort not excuses, make every day count.

Evidently we are all busy, however, not busy enough, and without real measurable progress on these extremely important topics, we will not have a country worth having, all because good people do nothing and let all the bad people do anything.

We acknowledge that Military Intelligence, especially patriots in charge, can supersede other intel and law enforcement agencies, including appointed personnel, which evidently have many based in foreign "not real Canadian" nationalities, foreign "not Christian" religions, governments masquerading as religions, allegiance to foreign criminal agencies, dual citizenship, double agents, breeches of trust and related conflicts of interest, those engaged in genocide, terrorism and bio-terrorism, enemies foreign and domestic those of the "penetrated the Canadian government", (in more ways than one) enemy collaborateurs and other traitors and real national security threats, we know in fact that arrests and executions are possible and to the extent required, can be done. So notwithstanding the super imposed anti nation state anti white optics, many things can be rectified, including all the arrogance and treason that goes with that.

This is intended to create awareness, understanding, perspective, perception, it is not to implicate guilt, it is to encourage character and confidence, moral courage, greater dedication and pure ability to stand on guard for Canada, to express the best of who we are, with unified purpose and combat capabilities, each individual as a very valuable real national security asset, to create further communication in a pro-active environment to not only solve problems, we can also create the future. This is not government speak, not a fancy PR firm, it is not cryptic and hard to understand, it is heart and soul, it is kick ass, do or die, and everyone has the freedom of choice. It is ok to make mistakes, we can do better, aim high, go forward, express the best of who we are, lessons learned, we grow, if we miss the target, we recalibrate, and yes certainly there are infinite ways to say something, in the end, as in the beginning, it is us and right now and make no mistake about it, we are at war right now.

Now is the time for all good citizens to come to the aid of their country.

All right, let's get to work! You are free to go, and don't let me interfere with your good work! I know you can do it. It has to be this way.

Dux Bellorum

Related Notes of interest:
Defense Technology - National Defence Challenges - National Security Threats - Citizen Protector M1A - The Problematic Challenge - The Real PM

National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians Annual Report 2018 also here : NSICOP-AR-2018

a pre covid plandemic woke cultural genocide and total genocide asymmetrical war vector perspective, since hindsight is a good thing, feel free to compare with more recent reports. It is not likely that you or anyone would let us know if you notice anything interesting and relevant and we can compare notes, swap unredacted intel (yes the truth can hurt, and do much more than that, it can save Canada) with corresponding notes and do something pro-active, if it is not already being done or on the drawing board…certainly questions and suggestions and an idea box is always a good idea, we certainly encourage you to do your job and express the best of who you are, you already know what to do…and certainly the trust and verify rules for successful mission tasking is in effect and unified purpose is essential along with non-disclosure, even though others may know what you know and even more, that's ok, heart and soul and purpose is a good thing to have and express…