"The Problematic Challenge" in
Economic Nationalism & Building an Awesome Canada
For those who like to use "problematic" & "presumptive" & "editorial opinions" "hate speech laws" ;
Need to know basis : (illegal hate speech laws are invalid, truth is legal and valid and so are peace and war vector scenario observations, analysis and recommendations)
Continuing with awareness and acknowledgement of the problems in Economic Nationalism and survival of the Canadian nation-state:
Concerning corresponding attacks against or pro-active initiatives for :
People with morals, ethics, intelligence and awareness, family values, faith, family, freedom and free enterprise, nationalists, patriots, nation builders, individuals, entrepreneurs, enterprise and industry, people with a conscience, integrity, true values, family values, economic development, personal defence, civil defence, national defence and industrial economic enterprise defence;
■ The "problematic war against industry and enterprise" We do not count on the government, to end this war, as far as we know, there is nobody talking about or doing anything about "Made in Canada" or the 95% of stuff in stores made somewhere else, or that entire industries have been wiped out, companies shut down and liquidated, people out of work. This includes "currency warfare" "sovereign governments, entities, enterprise and funds versus private enterprise," it also includes the treasonous and genocidal trade deals of Canada, with total sociopathic zero conscience and zero guilt towards Canadian industry and enterprise.
■ The "problematic financial institutions" typically, banks and related financial institutions are not interested in "private enterprise"" and more interested in gambling in the stock market, extracting wealth from rural communities and directed to big city expensive lifestyle. New companies, and having credit by mainly personal credit ratings and non separations of personal assets to business asset also cause problems.
■ The "problematic credit bureaus" "Foreign controlled" or so-called "domestic controlled" with zero accountability and hard to fix "in-accuracies" represent a real national security, industrial, enterprise and personal security threat and causes an astronomical number of problems for people, and enterprise looking for financing, even basic credit cards, and good luck with business credit cards.
■ The "problematic official narrative social credit status" Evidently, the public companies with Dunn & Bradstreet ratings and corresponding stock market gambling casino don't have a problem with credit, except now, with changes of "foreign agendas" "environmentalism" "ESG multi-cultural, cultural marxist, anti fossil fuel industry warfare, those enterprise not aligned with globalism, liberalism, the climate change hoax and super imposed over control, may have their "credit" adjusted, as in "non-existent" including related banking, investment and financial services.
■ The "problematic under-banked and non-banked" individual, entrepreneur and enterprise,
■ The "problematic Treasury Bond debt created money system" Bank of Canada;
■ The "problematic electronic debt created private money system" Section 91 & 92;
■ The "problematic elimination of the Treason Act" and not charging traitors;
■ The "problematic illegal 1982 Constitution and the illegal transfer of powers";
■ The "problematic illegal Multiculturalism Act";
■ The "problematic Inclusion and Diversity" codeword for white genocide;
■ The "problematic not real Canadians in government";
■ The "problematic deep state, rogue government agents & double agents";
■ The "problematic good people that do nothing";
■ The "problematic crime, treason, genocide, war, debt and immorality";
■ The "problematic dumbed down cultural marxist education system";
■ The "problematic real national security rated personnel";
■ The "problematic race traitors, anti white, race mixing, foreign allegiance";
■ The "problematic real national security threats";
■ The "problematic immigration, white replacement and white genocide" ;
■ The "problematic sexual genocide";
■ The "problematic drug genocide and hard drug decriminalization";
■ The "problematic cultural genocide";
■ The "problematic education system aka stupidity, propaganda, woke, race traitors, perversion, post modernism";
■ The "problematic vaccine bio-weapon and testing genocide";
■ The "problematic illegal laws and regulations and advisories";
■ The "problematic mass media entertainment industry", PsyOps, Propaganda, Deception & Manipulation, anti nation state sovereignty, foreign allegiance, enemy communication weapon systems, cultural genocide, sexual genocide, anti-real family, foreign agendas, social engineering, mind control ;
■ The "problematic mass media entertainment industry" as owned, controlled, voted, edited and censoring, unified global theme asymmetrical information warfare by enemies foreign and domestic, enemy combatants;
■ The "problematic anti -"disinformation" campaigns speech censorship";
■ The "problematic truth haters, history revisionist and conspiracy theory labellers";
■ The "problematic anti-nationalists, anti-white, anti straight white";
■ The "problematic war against faith, family, freedom, industry and free enterprise";
■ The "problematic anti nation state, supra-national, super imposed agendas";
■ The "problematic war against the individual, creative imagination, logic, critical analysis, personal initiative and personal responsibility";
■ The "problematic anti-fire arms, civil defence & organized, equipped and competent militia capacity";
■ The "problematic anti private property";
■ The "problematic no problem with selling out the country, foreign ownership & globalist plundering";
■ The "problematic Made in Canada Defence Technology Logistics";
■ The "problematic foreign military defence industrial technology lobby & machinations";
■ The "problematic existing & pre-approved Versus Open Competitive proposals";
■ The "problematic anti nation state sovereignty secure supply infrastructure";
■ The "problematic foreign components in Canadian Defence Technology";
■ The "problematic Remote Disabling Technology in Foreign Supplied Technology";
■ The "problematic anti anti-vaxxers" people against personal health sovereignty;
■ The "problematic Wars of Aggression and Acts of Aggression";
■ The "problematic government and enterprise sponsored genocide"
■ The "problematic microwave 3G, 4G & 5G bio-weapons";
■ The "problematic water, air, food and chemical poison";
■ The "problematic weather warfare technology and deployment"; aka geo-engineering/climate change; (not acknowledge or discussed by climate change depopulation genocide maniacs;
■ The "problematic official narrative and associate lies, deception and conspiracy facts"
■ The "problematic destruction of the automotive industry";
■ The "problematic closed source computer hardware and software operating systems";
■ The "problematic divide and conquer, moral and capital values destruction";
■ The "problematic contrary non co-operation deficit";
■ The "problematic mass media mind control and propaganda"; foreign, enemy combatants & CBC;
■ The "problematic welfare state and fake economy";
■ The "problematic $40 billion for immigrants every year"
■ The "problematic $billions on national debt and compound interest";
■ The "problematic national and provincial debt, foreign debt";
■ The "problematic transportation infrastructure and crumbling roads";
■ The "problematic airport infrastructure status";
■ The "problematic rail industry ownership, control, voting and other issues";
■ The "problematic with the railroads and trucking infrastructure utilized to put us out of business faster";
■ The "problematic pension fund crime, treason, genocide, foreign finance';
■ The "problematic investment funds, wealth managers, portfolio managers";
■ The "problematic foreign military personnel and technology in Canada";
■ The "problematic remote disabling technology on foreign defence technology";
■ The "problematic enemy combatants, enemies foreign and domestic" and "collaborateurs";
■ The "problematic super imposed de-industrialization";
■ The "problematic voting system, electronic voting, dominion voting machines, leadership & policy, electoral districts";
■ The "problematic legislative infrastructure, pedophile and proxy pedophile, immoral and arbitrary decisions";
■ The "problematic liberalism, socialism, communism, global internationalism";
■ The "problematic separation of church and state resulting in crime, treason, genocide, war, immorality etc";
■ The "problematic ignorance and division in churches" concerning the real enemy that is engaged in war and gencide against us, and allegiance to a foreign state, governments masqueraiding as religions, religions that have declared war on us "white race" "so called "goyim" so called "infidels" etc et al, immigration of religious war personnel with the "zealous" "sworn?" duty to kill us…importing criminals and religious extremists with the radical doctrine dedicate to kill, murder, rape etc white christians…
■ The "problematic Illegal hate speech laws" promoted mainly by the foreign government/religions" to destroy us, including any and all truth about them, what they do, and say, including the infiltration, subversion and destruction of institutions, the takeover of government, white replacement, white genocide etc et al with the corresponding "woke & broke" immoral, anti traditional, anti time tested principals that made us successful, anti white chrisitian ethnocentric, with super imposed social engineering and cultural genocide, labelling everything white peope do as racist, anti semitc, white supremacists, white nationalist etc et al; big problems…
■ The "problematic tolerance of cultural, economic and industrial genocide" like we are supposed to lay down and die by lethal injection and total genocide of everything and do nothing, say nothing, think nothing, just DIE with DEI etc etc etc
■ The "problematic Bank of Canada and debt created money, not debt free national currency" with the corresponding enslavement and export of real money & assets", Once upon a time Canada was the most awesome country in the world, until ….."
■ The "problematic war against the family victim" divorce, separation, alimony, estate tax, inheritance tax, excess property tax in conflict with the "Magna Carta" the liberal fascist homo-fascist legal system, the war against the straight white male, the Human Rights Tribunal, custody battles and awards, "cultural marxist" "education system", "mass media".
■ The "problematic super imposed foreign over-control" in addition to other ESG, (environment, social, governance) foreign agendas, globalism, cultural marxism, and anti nation state official narratives of globalism, environmentalism and anti straight white, with corresponding holier than thou virtue signalling of "inclusion" and "diversity" are actually increased aggression, hate and systemic racism and genocide against white people, in particular the founding people of Canada, and the pre-existing people. Local government is more relevant and accountable to citizens, local residents, enterprise and industry and even they can cause serious problems to the citizen and enterprise or be an asset and ally.
■ Federal, provincial, county and municipal governments that are not nationalist, and may be engaged in various degrees of "liberalism" "communism" "globalism" "selling out the country" "looking after their "in style group" who may also be engaged in crime, treason, genocide, war, immorality, debt and are anti-nation state. This also includes the war against the family, industry and enterprise, post modernism, acts of aggression, bio-terrorism, genocide, weaponized anything and making life difficult
■ The "problematic mass media" "problematic big tech" and the corresponding "ownership, control, voting, editing and censoring" are all elements against real Canadian free enterprise, industry vitality and nation state sovereignty, with rampant liberalism, globalism, cultural marxism etc, system racism against "whitey";
■ The "problematic foreign ownership and control" of industry and enterprise may cause problems, challenges and threats to national security, industrial and enterprise defence;
The "problematic war against the bourgeoisie" by systemic racism and genocide by government, banks, mass media, "agendas" "Protocols" and corresponding "Acts of Aggression" and "Wars of Aggression", including "collaborateurs" to eliminate the competition, free enterprise, "real national security assets";
■ Nation state sovereignty requires a Made in Canada industrial economic and enterprise infrastructure, along with a nationalist real Canadian mass media, and people in government loyal to Canada and value Made in Canada.
■ The 95% of products in stores that are made in China is systemic racism and industrial genocide against Made in Canada and race genocide against real Canadians. A government of imbeciles and traitors, globalism and treason is the great problematic challenge.
■ The "problematic war on fossil fuels" NetZero, the Green New Deal, the Climate Change warfare and ; the anti oil energy east pipeline, the anti Northern Gateway, the anti more refineries in Alberta, or anywhere else in Canada, anti bitumen processing & transformation into high value added products, oil exports at give away prices, wealth redistribution, anti LNG production and direct export and sales to foreign countries, anti IC-internal combustion automobiles, censoring and suppressing extrement performance advanced fuel systems" C-69 anti energy laws ;
■ The "problematic anti-nuclear power" the high flux energy density solution ;
■ The "problematic depopulation & de-industrialization Agenda" ;
■ The "problematic Rhodes scholars and invisible college" ;
■ The "problematic international banking system" ;
■ The "problematic stock market gambling casinos" ;
■ The "problematic UN migration genocide and war vectore scenarios" ;
■ The "problematic WEF, WHO, WTO, UN anti nation state sovereignty policies" ;
■ The "problematic globalist divide and conquer Canada" ;
■ The "problemantic anti-development" ;
■ The "economic industrial and enterprise genocide" ;
■ The "problematic ISO certification and trade and commercial regulations" ;
■ The "problematic CETA - Canada Europe Trade Agreement" ;
■ The "problematic USMCA" ;
■ The problematic secret NAFTA " criminal & undisclosed agreements;
■ The "problematic destruction of industies" in Canada, railway, automotive, marine, defence technology, agriculture, energy, aerospace, textiles, farming, fishing, machinery" ;
■ The "problematic stupid business and mismanagement of resources" the globalist oligarch resource plundering, in addition to limited transofrmation of raw materials into high value added goods ;
■ The "problematic non-optimization of enterprise, capabilites and business combinations" an example would be to have more Canadian steel transformed into products, appliances, construction products, shipping, railroads and rail cars, automobiles, with our own foundaries, engines and extreme performance advanced fuel systems technology, new locomotives, new truck and trailer production and logistics, new rail and community development ;
■ The "problematic moral courage and pro-active deficit"
Some things are from a lack of vision, no co-operation, aversion to risk even though the markets are huge, investment, management and production logistics to make it happen with the right kind of people. Dream need plans, comprehensive and visionary plans, and lots of action, people need to look at themselves as part of the solution, not the problem, not someone else will do it, rather the acceptance of personal responsibility in pro-active dynamic endeavours to do it in whatever capacity they have, to make effort not excuses
Evidently the list is not complete and may take a while…
please look at useful websites like: https://eurocanadians.ca
or https://canucklaw.ca or canadianpatriot.org
learn a few things, get some perspective and awareness, most of all get to work and make progress.
It's not all doom and gloom - the. future looks brilliant
brilliant creative imagination
brilliant exploits in awareness and achievement
Something Pro-active & Practical to create alternate reality
You already know what to do : Join Battlegroup 301 Inc.
download : Problematic.pdf. - If not us, then who, if not now, then when?