Education, Trade and Technology Development Program
University, College, Trade and Technical Institute
General Idea, Development and Integrated Logistics
Under development...

Something we need:
■ new and expanded local and regional opportunities;
■ create and expand rural, town, village, small city options;
■ reduce residents (adults and youth) exodus to larger cities;
■ general and specialized education, trade, technical and training;
■ revitalized text books based on integrity and true values;
■ revitalized primary & secondary education;
■ home schooling and alternative learning;

People and time:
■ optimized job, career and enterprise opportunities;
■ strategic, operational and tactical personnel development;
■ multiple time lines, focused leading edge curriculum;
■ initial intro, short, intermediate and long term education and training;

General Industry Options:
■ technology, products, services, industry capabilities;
■ aviation, aeronautics, aerospace, pilot training, transport;
■ marine, nautical, navigation, recreational and commercial shipping;
■ automotive, vehicles, new design research and development;
■ infrastructure, production and machinery design engineering;
■ financial and material resources - infrastructure and logistics;
■ intermodal logistics, trucking, shipping, air and rail, machinery;

Specialized Industry Options:
■ geology, prospecting, mining, metallurgy,
■ manufacturing and material science, processing, production;
■ construction, design, architecture, development, project management;
■ construction related trades, services, products - intro and advanced;
■ machinery, tools, production infrastructure;
■ engineering, drafting, CADD, graphic art, technical illustration writing;
■ woodworking, furniture, cabinetry, carpentry, finishing;
■ foundry, metal, materials, mechanics, tool and die, machine shop;
■ alternative science, invention and innovation, experimental R & D;
■ Resources, infrastructure and relevant options;
■ action and adventure sports: training and gear infrastructure;

Integrating Life Essential Industries:
■ natural resources, forestry and marine environment;
■ farming, biodynamic, organic, soil remineralization, soil revitalization;
■ more civilized livestock enterprise development;
■ marine life, fishing, forest, land and eco-system management;
■ bio-diversity, life respecting, protection and enhancing;
■ family farming, advanced business, pro-active and counter measures;
■ buying group, local and regional farmer market development;
■ food independence and opportunities;

Health Care - personal, family and public/community:
■ holistic alternative health, advanced health care;
■ caring people, practical, effective and measurable results;
■ independence, health and freedom, nutrition, dynamic remedies;
■ alternatives to cut, burn, poison, addiction and expensive treatments;
■ energy and revitalized life vs pain and sickness management;
■ counter-measure options against destructive technology and actions;

Personal development and more:
■ art, music, crafts and creative imagination;
■ education, entertainment and media;
■ individual and enterprise networking and development;
■ more adult courses, develop more community learning options;

Arsenal of Democracy:
■ investigative and citizens journalism, freedom of speech;
■ community citizens - own, control, vote and edit local news media;
■ creative writing, text book development, publication and integrated use;
■ home schooling, private education, re-invent public school;
■ real education and real news, purposeful, focus, unity, resolution
■ expose fake news, mass media and mind control propaganda;
■ truth, freedom, facts, history, faculties of thought, reason, imagination;
■ enterprise community endeavours for economic redevelopment;
■ community challenges - pro-active and counter-measures;

The Individual:
■ the individual, self sufficiency, creative imagination;
■ transformation of consciousness, personal development;
■ logic and analysis, critical thinking, reasoning, inspiration;
■ the individual role in building a civilized advanced civilization;
■ Building blocks of faith, family, freedom and free enterprise;
■ character development and personal management;
■ personal, physical, moral and spiritual defence;
■ the industrious, productive and profitable work ethic;
■ money, power, health, options and an awesome quality of life;
■ more action, adventure, outdoor individual sports;
■ relevant choices - invest, develop, custom build, acquire;
■ personal responsibility, courage, fortitude, resolution;
■ focus and constructive vs distraction and destructive;
■ Math, fractions, geometry, physics, chemistry etc;
■ Cursive writing, grammar, communication skills;

■ defence technology, tactics, tools, weapons;
■ national political, geo-political, exo-political elements;
■ C5+ infrastructure - national, industry and enterprise defence;
■ industry, enterprise and entrepreneurial defence;
■ community, rural, regional and national defence;
■ integrated law enforcement and defence personnel options;
■ ultra ethics and law : counter-measure to anti-nation state;
■ augment and amplify: honour, duty, character, role models, moral courage;
■ Identify, develop, train, promote real national security assets;
■ spiritual self defence, ethics, superior moral code, character building;

■ Identify the enemy & tactics, neutralize the enemy & infrastructure;
■ Identify anti-white, genocide, replacement migration/invasion/immigration;
■ Identify anti-white curriculum, anti- founding people;
■ Identify treason and high treason, terrorism and bio-terrorism;
■ Identify enemy collaborateurs, race traitors, acts of agression;
■ Identify General ZOG, proxy war and asymmetrical war vector scenarios;
■ Identify real national security threats in all levels of government;
■ Identify erroneous, unethical or abusive chain of command;
■ Identify problematic: post modernism, corruption, woke, perversion,
■ Identify history revisionism, super imposed garbage culture, multi-cult;
■ Identify Diversity, Equity & Inclusion war, proxy & asymmetrical war vector scenario;
■ Identify ESG, Environment, Social & Governance war vector scenarios;
■ Identify crime, treason, genocide, disease, sickness, pharma-fascist etc et al
■ Identify so called vaccine bio-weapons, organizations, entities & persons involved;
■ Identify sexual and cultural genocide and other extremist activities;
■ Identify so called "hate speech" "hate law" & related legislation/judgements war vectors;
■ Identify poisoned food, air, water, atmosphere, including frequencies RFI, EMF & microwave and other frequencies and sounds;
■ Identify propaganda, mind control, covert, subliminal and overt communication & media;

Government, law, politics:
■ family values, true values, community development;
■ peace, order and good government - nation building;
■ pro-active citizens, problem solving and build something new;
■ pro-active multiple levels of government - pro-Canada;
■ citizen ambassador, thoughtful patriotism, nation building;
■ restore truth, integrity, honesty, altruism, honour, loyalty;
■ nationalism, conservative moral values, proven principals;
■ public service, loyalty, allegiance, civilized moral ethics, altruistic life;

Essential Awareness:
■ globalism/liberalism crime, genocide and treason in the spotlight;
■ identify social engineering, corruption, propaganda, lies, deception;
■ analysis, expose and counter measures - new options;
■ Politics, Economics and Industry - integrated and inter-related;
■ mass media, organized anti nation state and anti-freedom elements;

■ thoughtful economic nationalism, revitalized industry and enterprise;
■ personal, entrepreneur, enterprise, industry and national development;
■ revitalizing the founding people of Canada;
■ history, present and future trends;
■ Made in Canada and Product of Canada - re-invent and transform;
■ individual, local, regional and national optimization;
■ general and advanced capabilities, co-operative networks and more;
■ going beyond problems by creating the future you envision;
■ real education, not propaganda, mind control, social engineering & perversion;

Our challenges may include neutralizing the national security threats and destructive trends in the existing education system, even though the self destructive anti nation state agenda and super imposed curriculum exists, a parallel or alternate system is essential now and into the future.

In Canada, education is a provincial jurisdiction, however, with a proper functioning Ministry of Defence, in accordance with the Defence Mission, and stand on guard for Canada, various pro-active initiatives can be deployed…against asymmetrical war vector scenarios conducted by compromised entities, agents and individuals.

Invest - Build - Deploy

B301_ETTV.pdf - Notes

Do or Die? Join Battlegroup 301 Incorporated and be part of the solution with the Education, Trade and Technology Development Program, where character and individual creative imagination, true values in an ethno-nationalist nation building endeavour is essential right now and into the future.

Development Programs