Citizen Protector M1A - Leading Edge Civil Defence

Pro-Health : COVID-19 - the vaccine bio-weapon - graphene oxide - counter-measures.
Find out what can save your life and revitalize everything…

under development: please see:

The Graphene Oxide & 5G Connection pt 1
The Graphene Oxide & 5G Connection pt 2

Nutrition Protocol To Deactivate Graphene Oxide
(Urgent for all who were injected with the “Covid vaccine”)

From genius inventor Paul Kincaid, reporting & investigative journalism at :

or website backup file here:
notes: copper thermos water flask, copper kitchen counter etc components not stainless

Vaping is a bio-weapon : (a legal over the counter bio-weapon) neurotoxins causing brain damage, in addition to perforating and poisoning the lungs and blood, also causing damage to the eyes and extremely sensitive nose, we predict vaccination through vaping technology without disclosure or consent, ie vaccine genocide bio-weapon from vaping) any yes many guys will have their cell phone in their pocket frying their balls in addition to vaping;

Glyphosate is a bio-weapon : (legal and lethal, the commercial farmer bio-weapon of choice)
Read the article from the Cornucopio Institute:

Additionally, glylphosate paralyzes sections of the intestine, so that it does not function proper, which causes other problems such as constipation, digestion issues and related poisoning from not having frequent or daily bowel movements, as well as impairment to the brain effecting memory and thinking faculties.

5G problems - microwave & 5G bio-weapon genocide : pro-active versus Hydro, cell phone, smart meters etc et al class action

Scientific evidence contradicts findings and assumptions of Canadian Safety Panel Safety Code 6:
(Yes we have the back up file)

mRNA "vaccines" are gene modification bio-weapons :
(See: National Security Threats &
National Health Threats & Health Sovereignty Threats Datebase)

As-Garde Machine & Mecatronics : (en route to

"Canada's mystery ultra nationalist billionaire kills covid with a tuning fork"

Counter-measures & remedies for so called "Covid 19", vaccine bio-weapons, graphene oxide, mRNA & 5G bio-weapons;
Tuning Forks, Crystals, Vibrational Medicine and the Regeneration Chamber : secrets of the Gods;
Emergency Health and Life saving protocols

For those individuals waiting for the Regeneration Chamber deployment, it is possible to invest or make a contribution in that endeavour.

What is known about the Regeneration Chamber is that it involves copper, and copper kills virus on contact, and works extremely well in food industry, even though stainless steel is specified. Copper cups and thermos are great ideas, along with copper pipes for plumbing.

Some secrets are nutritional and not only technological, for instance:

Elements of surprise not censored or classified and known by some, worth investigation and use by all pro-active health conscious;

coconut oil? with the miraculous Lauric Acid converts into monolaurin,
which is a very potent antibacterial, antiviral and antiprotozoal
material, and conveniently since it is a monoglyceride, the capacity to
destroy lipid-coated viruses such as measles, influenza, HIV, herpes and
other pathogenic bacteria! most of which are included in the so called
vaccine aka bio-weapon... (we can update a page and links to supporting evidence…)

bentonite clay, borax, ginger, garlic, many other remedies for spike protein, related virus.

Serrapeptase and nattokinase are also useful.

classified and proprietary S-weapon technology;

various combinations of physical and meta-physical (Technology of God):
volt/amps/frequency, sound harmonics, crystal arrays, vibrational medicine or related frequency technology, various precious metals, super conductors, magnetic and paramagnet materials, meta materials, poly alloys and geo-materials, multi-phase technology, colour, light and odour/smell related elements, sacred geometry and highly classified crystal lattice and other electro magnetic and geomagnetic technology, that are all part of the Regeneration Chamber, under development by As-Garde Machine and Mecatronics Inc. who has released certain useful information.

More resources for those who are Pro-Health and health sovereignty:

If you go to you may look for the book "The Dark Side of Wheat" and many topics of relevant interest.

Also go to & you will discover many awesome books for your health and vitality.

An excellent source for alternative health is the vital Emergency Health measures found at

Dr Mercola at : offers many excellent articles and products and news on current events.

Nuke Proof Asset Protection with the
Battlegroup-301 Strategic Account
Contribute, Invest &/or acquire, development & buying group :
copper products for home and business :
antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal capabilities
chlorine dioxide : super health revitalizer
bentonite : detox rare earth, heavy metals, metals, drugs, radioactive, many parasites, virus & chemical bio-weapons
activated carbon : filters & supplements :

(oilpulling is also a very simple and effective remedy for many problems;
in addition to
many healthy nutritional, food, supplement and lifestyle options;

there is a lot more suppressed and censored by you know who…then again, maybe you don't kno who…

Nationalist - Patriot - Citizen
Personal and Nation State Sovereignty
Freedom - Autonomy - Independence - Health
Power - Dignity - Stability - Mobility - Agility

In accordance with Peace, Order and Good Government;

Citizen Protector M1A

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Civil Defence

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