Battlegroup 301 Incorporated -
Defence Technology Projects

Aircraft Development Program

CF-105 Arrow Incorporated :
Comeau Aerospace Inc. :
As-Garde Aerospace and Electrodynamics Inc. :

Aerial Armada : Comeau Aerospace Inc. : National & Civil Defence ;

Production Orders for:
20 - CAI-Armada Magnum X & 100 CAI-814 Knight & armaments;
Strategic, Tactical & Operational Command & Asset Deployment;
Defender: Multiple weapons platform;
Rotary Cannons, high speed magazine and weapons platform;
air to ground, air to air, air to sea/underwater;
Stealth : infrared, zero heat signature;
noise cancellation: weapons and aircraft, aero-acoustic;
Extreme VTOL & flight characteristics;
Light bending, active camo;
extreme anti-doppler technology;
electronic jamming, RFI, EFM, 5G phased array weapons proof;
DEW proof (direct energy weapons)
secure supply line infrastructure;
independent communications;
more things classified & the element of surprise;
Custom weapons & munitions;

Invest, Contribute, Build & Deploy

For nationalists & patriots, Border Services, Gendarmerie, Civil Defence, territorial and real law integrity based on nation state sovereignty, all the more reason to join the knights of the round table - definitely not controlled by enemies foreign and domestic…

Also utilized for defence of industrial or other protected infrastructure, eurocanadian, european and ethnocentric crusades, nationalists of real allied country nation states who required or request pro-active and emergency defence.

TRUE Border & Territory Integrity - more on Canada's Real War

National Security Threats - you need to know

Also utilized for adventure, exploration, special ops, and more fun stuff…

Invest & contribute, build & deploy - machinery, materials, manpower, infrastructure, flight simulation, aircrew training,

the greatest adventure of all time and the ultimate flying machine adventure…

Imagine - Made in Canada by nationalists - protection for your town & people you know…it gives a whole new vision to the idea of:

"O Canada We stand on guard for thee…" we do a lot more than stand, we fight, it is DO or DIE, plane & simple….

Series en route

Request for Proposal : Proposal
Request for Source Qualifications

Battlegroup-301 Inc. - National, Industry, Enterprise & Civil Defence

For Nationalists, Patriots, Nation State Sovereignty & Secure Borders

Make Effort not Excuses, Be Pro-Active & Empowered

Exercise Moral Courage & Combat Capability

Join Battlegroup 301 - Private member

JOIN or DIE & NOT DEI & no more Kill Whitey

See also : Civil Defence

National Security Threats

Treason - Genocide - War Series

TRUE Border & Territory Integrity