■ Pro-Canada Sovereignty - political & government transformation
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Canada Peace, Order and Good Government - Basic Intro
Pro-Canada.org - Sovereign Nation State Mastermind Project
■ Pro-Canada Sovereignty
We are part of the Pro-Canada Sovereign Nation Mastermind Project, dedicated to revitalize, redevelop and rebuild the national dream. This involves industry, enterprise and government, and is focused on well developed policy for political renewal and transformation of government towards greater Peace, Order and Good Government, greater prosperity and productivity, more opportunities, challenge and reward and a more awesome Canada, with an emphasis on nation state sovereignty, the Save Canada and Defend Canada Projects and a greater nation building vision that benefits everyone.
Some ideas under review, revision, editing and more ideas from many comments and suggestions; Your first choice for Nation State Sovereignty, Made in Canada and the next election…
Need to know : We have national security emergencies to deal with, specifically to defend Canada. To do this we need unified purpose, specific policy and pro-active strategic, operational and tactical capability. We need good people to get involved with good ideas that can be refined and developed and integrated. This may lead to new political party development and the transformation of government with a pro-active nation state sovereignty focus with a revitalized citizen participation ;
The existing political party and government system has become completely dysfunctional and contrary to nation state sovereignty and has people as double agents with their allegiance to foreign criminal agencies, entities and agendas, in addition to religions, countries and individuals that have declared war against us, engaged in genocide and war as well as terrorist threats ;
Border Security and Territorial integrity, Natural resources, energy and people are all at risk and under attack from enemies foreign and domestic. The existence of Canada is now under a direct national security threat and terrorist PsyOp threats with both peace and war vector scenarios as a reality, knowing the terrorism is the use of force or the threat of the use of force, and by this, President Trump has declared war, terrorist threats, illegal war, acts of aggression, and represents an enemy foreign and domestic, an enemy combatant. Additionally, the invasion, immigration, migration anti white race genocide and race replacement is well underway, due to the genocidal Multiculturalism Act ;
We have already been, as many people know, subjected by superimposed actions of all political parties that are full of double agents, treachery, deception, manipulations, treason, high treason, genocide and bio-terrorism at work, in addition to the total mismanagement of government and financial resources with the total enforcement of injustice and non prosecution of government, entities and persons that have acted contrary to the nation state sovereignty of Canada and citizens;
Multiple genocide and war vector scenarios are at work now, in addition to the comprehensive treason, total incompetence, imbecile policies and destruction of Canada. ;
This is an urgent message for co-operation and organization to defend and save Canada with good solid patriots, nationalist, ultra-nationalist and everyday citizens that make Canada their home, to get involved, contribute and now is the time to make a difference.
1. Join Pro-Canada.org to be part of the solution with the pro-active nation state sovereignty movement. This endeavour is focused on making positive change in Canada, with political policy and government platform development, the promotion of ideas, ideal, vision and practical options to create the future we can have by choice. This is being organized at a national EDA - electoral district association level. Contributions can be made easily and deployed to specific EDAs, as well as specific initiatives and endeavours. Related membership and signup for specific EDAs will follow. Constitution is under development and revision. Citizens can work to make positive nation building and Defend Canada endeavours in their EDA as well as right across Canada.
2. In the Defence of Canada, concerning the National Security Threats, the enemies foreign and domestic, the Problematic Challenges, in addition to going forward and promoting visionary and comprehensive plans, open constructive and purposeful correspondence, our goal is to re-invent government and politics with a greater unified purpose, with brilliant ideas, individual creative imagination, the national suggestion box, bold vision, intelligent patriotism and a moral courage that energizes a pro-active citizenry with optimism, confidence, trust and a dedicated resolution to go forward.
3. This is not only for nationalists and ultra-nationalist, it is for the common citizen, the individual that chooses to be involved with the political enlightenment and the future of Canada, a Canada we can believe in and defend, a Canada we can build with integrity, solid character, an industrious work ethic, family values, true values, ideals and altruism, where people can work together in a spirit of co-operation, peace, unity, prosperity and opportunity. A Canada that creates peace, innovates and excels, builds exciting new private enterprise and mega projects of imagination and genius.
4. This will be for an incredible awesome Canada, it is for the citizen that cares, the person that dreams, for all those who appreciate challenge and reward, those who like to create and build, everyone will be encouraged to express the best of who they are, to excel, to transform their lives, learn and grow in personal, professional and in public service. We need good people, a lot of good people, people who will help, to create that environment, the kind that is nation state sovereignty.
5. We will go forward with unity and purpose, new optimism and courage, freedom from fear, of not being good enough, realizing we are not the sum of our mistakes, and all these challenges and problems that seem so difficult to overcome and eradicate in our lives, including those Problematic Challenges, the difficulties we have to assert and maintain economic nationalism. Problems are only temporary with a pro-active plan for success;
The problems of a divided society, unproductive and anti nation state parties and policies that have ruined what was once an awesome Canada in every way imaginable, needs to be rectified. Our future was stolen from us, we have been defrauded, discouraged and destroyed in the process, from the enemies as war against us.
6. Now, we need to stop the damage, undo the damage and go forward with purpose and vision, practical plans that are ambitious, visionary and necessary for nation building, for successful industry, enterprise, communities, families and individuals that see themselves, their future self as an important person in the awesomeness of Canada, the defence of Canada, the building of Canada and the awesome exhilaration in their soul, the kind of thrill of being alive, the exciting everyday adventure, beyond what most people could imagine, and yet knowing what we know, we would like to share and include those visionary nation building ideas, the people with integrity, conscience and character.
7. This will not be politics as usual, it will not be a government with MPs having an allegiance to a foreign criminal agency or organization or agenda, or any domestic or foreign religion, government, organization or individual that has declared war against us. This will not be for foreigners taking over the country, unlimited invasion and white replacement. Supranational organizations and anti nation state sovereignty agreements will be eradicated. Criminal,Terrorist and Genocidal organizations have been identified as fact, not allegedly implicated, they have factually documented.
8. There are significant challenges in the search for the ideal state of no double agents, no fifth column, no treason, no high treason and we hope that all treachery will become non-existent. The uni-party status quo from those who promote and yield to globalism, or the new world order of crime, treason, genocide, war, immorality, debt, disease, sickness, perversion, technocracy or transhumanism, as the reign of terror will end. Yes, that is an all out war.
9. The technocratic surveillance state, and the real national security threats are already and will continue to be exposed. Our goal is to have real national security assets, patriotic citizens, people that care, people that stand on guard for Canada. Character building and character development will be essential our noble and sovereign nation building endeavour.
10. The mass media and social media owned controlled and voted by enemies foreign and domestic, the fifth column infantry at war against us, with their tyrannical and unethical information war of editing and censorship, the propaganda mind control, social engineering, the post modernism cultural and sexual genocide, along with the PsyOps, with all the anti nation state and anti family actions will be eradicated;
We will never have true democracy, honest open communications, with awareness, perspective, understanding and even wisdom, to make better decisions, in consideration of Canada and citizens. Being inclusive includes freedom of speech and alternate narratives and ideas, not those only from the empire that super imposes supra national agendas and regulations from a private corporate, sovereign and not liable to anyone.
11. The endless destruction and cultural genocide, the anti white, white replacement, invasion, foreign demographic invasion, immigration, migration and related and engineered race warfare such as the Kalergi Plan will end. We also will endeavour to free Europe in joint missions, from the evils that corrupt people have super imposed on society, the crime, violence, rape gangs, destruction of historical and other public assets, infrastructure and every day destruction to private enterprise and people, this will end.
12. The supranational entities and private corporations masquerading as a government and all the super imposed so called laws and regulations will be eradicated. Our business will be with civilized sovereign nation states, which includes sovereign government, sovereign currency, sovereign banking and transaction infrastructure, defence, industry and enterprise. There will be no secret free trade agreements that are classified and locked away perpetually from public scrutiny. All agreements will be open for review, change or termination, supra national regulations and agreements or otherwise will be eliminated. Big tech with threats to privacy, information and sovereignty, both personal and nation will be rectified;
13. Corporatocracy will not be tolerated. Made in Canada and Canadian enterprise will be protected, it will not be abandoned and left to be slaughtered and destroyed by foreign nations engaged in industrial and currency war. A pro-active sovereign governments is involved in industry and enterprise defence. So called Free Trade or other Agreements, will be reviewed and rectified or eliminated as may be required;
14. Foreign investment, rules, regulations and business will change considerably from the globalist plunder and resource control and extraction at the expense of everything else, this will change. Many agreements represent the total treason and betrayal by those in government in offices of public trust that are in fact treachery and treason and high treason, and in many cases criminal, involve racketeering and other unethical business and government practice;
15. The national security threats from sovereign and corporate entities seeking to acquire and control infrastructure, enterprise, resources will be eradicated. The foreign use of fiat fake money printing to buy up real assets will end. Private Banks for official national central currency will end, international trade will require sovereign currency, alternative currency or actual material goods, including metals, minerals, resources, food etc;
16. There will be no more terrorism, no more bio-terrorism, no more bio-weapons, no more super imposed genocide and population warfare, the bio-hazards of big Pharma and out of control toxic industry, will be eradicated. Corrupted food and GMO engineering will be eliminated, the pollution of food, water and air and toxic environment will be eradicated. Health, vitality and well being will be promoted. The crimes of the century from WHO, WEF, UN etc will end, the corresponding prosecution, indictments and other unilateral actions for justice will be implemented;
17. The ground will be detoxed, the soil remineralized, food will be nutritious, character and health regeneration will be the everyday reality. People will have their faith restored, a new optimism will prevail and conquer the assault, negativity and destructive actions of government, enterprise, media and society, with those globalist forces that have been against us. Healthy bodies and minds are essential.
18. The genocide and war against the heart and soul and the family will end. People will live with a new awareness, understanding and purpose, cheerfulness and happiness, life will be different, there will be freedom, including freedom from fear, the terrorism and threats on international and national levels will be dealt with. Rogue terrorist governments, officials, agencies, people and NGO will require diplomatic communications to resolve the uncivilized behaviours;
19. National Defence will have a new revitalized mission, a new respect, a new infrastructure. The defence doctrine is already being upgraded with Battlegroup-301. Development programs and projects as well as emphasized border security and territorial integrity will be reality. It will not be subjected to any type of abuse or neglect, social engineering or cultural genocide, such as woke, post modernism, sabotage, double agents, or act as instruments of genocide and bio-terrorism or be subjected to that by those enemies foreign and domestic.
Also, never again will the Minister of National Defence not be a real Canadian, no foreign ethnic extraction whether born here or not, such as the India Hindu Ministers of National Defence that was engaged in genocide against the Canadian Armed Forces with the super imposed so called vaccine bio-weapon bio-terrorism. Yes, there is a lot of that going on. We already have ideal qualifications for a Minister of National Defence that would enable the real defence of Canada and Canadians from all threats, including traitors and double agents and enemy combatants.
20. National defence does not exist to engage in proxy wars for the enemy, it does not exist to abuse the citizens, or engage in chem trails, toxic fog generators, geo engineering, DEW direct energy weapons deployment, black ops for crime, or PsyOps, or illegal wars, it does not exist to bully, threaten and coerce by stress and duress other countries or people, or engage in crime, the theft of natural resources, coup d'état, replace foreign government leadership. National Defence does not exist to import drugs, to engage in drug, child or sex trafficking, sexual abuse, or to protect pedophilia and pedophiles or to enforce any bio-weapons, the so called vaccines and related toxic chemical warfare on the Canadian Armed Forces Personnel, any government personnel or citizens, whatsoever, it is not a tool to enforce genocide for foreign criminal agencies, including terrorist and genocidal organizations from either a government, non government, religious or other entity, including UN, WHO, WEF, EU, private corporations, anything that declares its own independence from prosecution or non liability, and declares is supremacy over nation state sovereignty, for any reason, all such decrees, regulations, agreements, agendas, including any and all illegal hate speech laws are null and void, illegal;
21. National Defence and the Intel community is now having a greater awareness, the ability to identify the enemy, and to make sure that the Defence Mission and protecting Canada and Canadians is an everyday reality. Sovereign Defence. That is what Battlegroup-301 Incorporated has already started and developed, it is the citizen that has the opportunity to take the defence of Canada personally and make a difference. Leave nothing to chance, even though we need to build a completely new political party and rebuild a government with integrity and solid character of people that has intelligent thoughtful patriotism and really be dedicated for: O Canada We Stand on Guard for Thee….
22. Defence Technology Industry revitalization: The excellence of design engineering and quality will exist in everything, it will be Made in Canada, with secure supply lines that will exist in both government and private enterprise capacity. The existing procurement and political stagnation and sabotage by rogue political double agents will be changed fundamentally and enable a considerable degree of innovative creative imagination, design engineering, prototype, super prototype and production of any and all supplies as may be required. This will require a new culture and capability in addition to a more competitive variety of companies for the request for proposals, in addition to pro-active initiatives and endeavours.
23. The automotive industry will be re-invented, made in Canada, galvanized steel, more quality, performance and style that is more affordable and reliable. This will be established in many areas across Canada. Many automotive parts and supply chain, manufacturing and resource processing infrastructure will be rebuilt. This includes many associated and related industries and enterprise that has been eradicated for the most part due to the globalist de-industrialization genocide and war vector scenario with government traitors acting as double agents and enemy combatants.
24. The railroad industry will be re-invented, it will be a national and industrial economic security asset for Canadian productivity and prosperity. It will not be relinquished to foreign control or to be utilized against Canada to destroy our industrial and enterprise base, which has not been defended. We will have more rail car production, rebuilt and new rail infrastructure and all kinds of exciting jobs and careers, enterprise opportunities and adventure to explore the awesome place called Canada. The Sovereign Canada…Ownership and control is essential.
25. The aerospace industry will also be revitalize and expanded upon in a much greater magnitude and vision, we will have new aircraft and spacecraft development, exciting careers and enterprise opportunities and the ability to explore the world without limits. We will have more interest and capacity in aviation, aeronautics, design engineering and manufacturing. For the many people who dream to fly, new relevant options exist for you, created out of thin air…
26. We will have solid quality good paying family rated jobs everywhere. We will have affordable housing, and a revitalized construction industry, for Canadians, as mass immigration, invasion and race replacement will be stopped and reversed.
We will deport the enemy combatants of the treasonous parties from many years of demographic warfare that started with the genocidal and illegal Multiculturalism Act. We will not say, make it a lot easier to build, cheap and easy financing and anything goes for permits, nor will we say in effect, build a lot more houses for the millions of invaders, barbarians and race replacement people so that your country is unrecognizable like in Europe.
27. Automotive and machinery quality will be upgraded considerably. There will be less plastics and cheap electronics and poor quality design. The DEF regulations for diesel vehicles will be eliminated, being super imposed on our society, dependent and at risk, an extortion control freak technology that has caused considerable problems, as a national security threat to local, regional and national transportation logistics and the grief caused to owner operators, this will end.
28. Gas guzzling vehicles will be a thing of the past, we will have custom and mass production of high mileage extreme efficiency fuel systems. Join Pro-Canada and get on the sign up list for your custom retrofit fuel system or new made in Canada vehicle that has awesome advanced engine and fuel system technology. We already have fuel system companies engaged in research and development and looking to new vehicle design and production. For those joining the Pro-Canada movement, imagine extreme efficiency fuel systems and fuel dividends, and new supply distribution network. Special training for mechanics and vehicle specific conversion are possible as well and new vehicles equipped with those extreme efficiency advanced fuel systems.
29. The war on fossil fuel will end, and alternative power and propulsion will also be initiated, free energy, electrodynamics and various generation technologies are being and will continue to be developed. Carbon tax will be eradicated. The only country in the world paying carbon tax with more trees than just about anyone on the planet, it is an imbecile decision to have carbon tax that was super imposed by globalist master through the treacherous double agents in government.
30. Abundant opportunities in the oil industry, refinery and fuel processing, manufacturing of petro products, logistics of all kinds and we propose a fuel dividend, a co-operative buying and investing group, something never done before, that is visionary, bold and practical. We already have the corporate and private securities infrastructure that people can be pro-active and decisive to get involved. This includes refineries, pipeline, tanker truck and rail cars. Bitumen and crude oil will no longer be what we call given away so someone else gets the jobs and related industries as a result plus all the export revenues or bargaining "barrels" not chips in international trade. There are plenty of industry and enterprise options to involve our focus, as this was already done before in Canada.
31. Education, Trades, Technology Institutes, University and Colleges present an excellent opportunity for improvement. This will require a considerable national defence and industry component, influence, control and input, even though education is a provincial jurisdiction, it has gone rogue and woke and promotes cultural genocide, post modernism tyranny, stupidity of dumbed down cultural marxist curriculum propaganda PsyOp mind control, also the anti white environment that promote sexual genocide and perversion, race traitors, race mixing, anti family, anti nation state sovereignty and totally bankrupt economic systems. This will change. No more mental abuse, no more social engineering.
32. The civil service or public service will have plenty of opportunity to serve, lead by example, to express the best of their genius, aptitudes and interests, so that each person is in their zone, competence and merit will be rewarded. There will be no more anti white discrimination in society for jobs or government.
It is probable that various programs of adjustment can be developed for government personnel and utilized for those getting out from the oppression of a traitorous and tyrannical genocidal governing party. Time off and help to recover from the various forms of abuse, including bio-terrorism and genocide and related globalist agendas. This will not be like a typical support group, it will be educational, empowering and life transforming for both personal and profession development, to be greater assets to Canada and Canadians;
Due to the magnitude of nation building, infrastructure projects, industry and enterprise revitalization, the demand for government personnel will increase, along with the corresponding training and opportunities to go forward. With a sovereign currency, central bank and financial transaction infrastructure, everything we need to succeed already exists.
33. Additionally, the typical union charter of government personnel and many companies will also require either change or replacement entirely. There will be no more allegiance to the socialist international, and for enterprise no foreign union control, this will be eradicated, as industrial and economic warfare has already been threatened, so that is an extremely high probability. National Industrial and Enterprise Security will be essential, certainly more so to withstand "economic force" and related terrorist threats.
34. Election reform : no non citizens voting on leadership in a party like the Liberal Party, No electronic voting systems such as Dominion Voting Systems, proper identification, reform the treasonous demographic voting warfare tactics given to people to increase the foreign takeover and anti white self governing jurisdiction.
35. Canada Pension Plan Investment Board overhaul and reform: investment in globalist anti nation state enterprise will be eliminated, mass media, social media, big surveillance tech, Pharma and related bio-weapons.
Those companies that have been guilty as enemy combatants, censorship, the censorship of real truth, deplatformed, other hostile acts, alternative opinion, the covid plandemic, the vaccine bio-weapons, or any other truth and health movement, will be removed from the portfolio. Not doing so will represent being a double agent, involved in treason and high treason, financing enemies foreign and domestic, financing terrorist, financing enemy combatants, financing genocide and war, and represent a real national security threat.
Additionally, worldwide, investment portfolios will be reduced and finances redirected to Canadian industry with an emphasis on Made in Canada in both public company and private enterprise, especially in defence technology and revitalization of various industries with economic nationalism and enterprise redevelopment as primary endeavours.
36. Canada Pension Plan will increase benefits, in addition to other benefits related to the challenges of retirement, in addition to housing and various mutual co-development programs within the government and corresponding jurisdictions. Food supply and living conditions are essential. Veterans will no longer be subject to hostile government actions, abuse and neglect.
37. Estate Law: Also, due to family division and inadequate character of siblings, wills, trusteeship, power of attorney, and various verification of documents are essential, as there has been criminal abuse and fraud directed to parents and others in the will, concerning the control of the estate, or even the parents, many times against the will, knowledge, or consent of others.
Wills have often be fraudulently altered either entirely or in part, including by forged signature, the improper division of assets, the denial of joint or co-trustee, money, control or other elements, as well as the separation and alienation of parents and their children by others in the family or other persons. This elder and parent abuse is intolerable and tragic. More can be done.
We recognize the fact that in families, narcissistic, jealous, vindictive, zero conscience with few manners, who may also be control freaks, criminal in terms of outright theft, embezzlement, abuse, control or otherwise, We hope that even in the case of strong family true values are inadequate it would be difficult to perpetuate the crime, fraud and abuse that happens. See 38. Tax law, related to those receiving pension.
38. Tax law : income tax reform, no estate tax, no inheritance tax, no probate fees or taxes, no carbon tax, no tax on tax or other fraudulent and erroneous taxation policies. No taxation or reduction of pension benefits for those who augment their revenue and income, wether by work, investment, contracts, enterprise or otherwise.
Food and Health Sovereignty
39. We support the Charter of Health Freedom : https://charterofhealthfreedom.org;
40. We support the Natural Health Product Protection Association : https://nhppa.org;
More policy ideas are found at Vision_E - no more politics and government as usual;
This website is under development as the status quo always has room for improvement.
You can do e-Transfer contribution for political revitalization, industrial economic redevelopment and real measurable progress on the nation state sovereignty project;
E-Transfer Reference: see comments;
Contact Pro-Canada.org - Nation State Sovereignty Project
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Dedicated to the awesomeness of Canada and Canadians
Dux Bellorum