Pro-Canada is Pro-Active - Positive & Constructive Action Links

We have a national security emergency in Canada right now!

Contact - Resource Subjects

Pro-Nation State Sovereignty
Pro-Treasury Reserves;
Pro-Sovereign Debt Free Currency;
Pro-Sovereign Payment System;
Pro-Sovereign Central Bank & Trust;
Pro-sovereign credit card & debit card infrastructure;
Pro-cash not CBDC, programable currency or technocratic genocide;

Pro-National Defence
Defence Mission, Defence Doctrine & Capability;
National Security Threats : Identify the enemy;
Defence Technology Industrial Base;
Border Defence & Territorial Integrity;
Guns & Ammo industry, Enterprise & Co-operative;
Gun Rights, combat & militia training;
Joint National Defence & National Reserve Training;
Joint National Reserves & Militia Training;
Citizen Militia Defence Vehicles, Tech, Gear;
Constitutional Militia - rights & responsibilities;
Constitutional Militia - techno, gear, supplies;
Constitutional Militia - member revenue;
Civil Defence Network;
● C5 : computers, communication, command, control, crypto;
● Public & Private Investment in secure supply chain development;
● infrastructure;
● Strategic Culture & Grand Strategy;

Pro-Canadian ethnocentric
Elimination of the Multiculturalism Act;
No more anti-white genocide, race replacement;
Restrictions on immigration, invasion, asylum & refugees;
No more welfare and jobs for the world;
No UN Gobal Migration Compact;
No Kalergi super-imposed genocide;
awareness & acknowledgement to problem solving;
Real Canadian values, language, history, tradition, law, identity;

Pro-Industry :
revitalize, redevelop and rebuild industry;
Manufacturing Infrastructure, Machinery & Secure Supply Chain;
Made in Canada, general and advanced manufacturing;
increased ownership, control of resources and production;
enterprise, commercial, industrial;
Open Source Computer, electronics, software;
design engineering, architecture & landscaping;
general and advanced manufacturing and assembly;
invention, patents, suppressed & advanced technology;
Programs, Projects, Products, Services infrastructure;
rural industry, entrepreneurs and enterprise;
rural industry integrated shop & residence;
business park development;
Enterprise Infrastructure finance : serial bonds;
Unions : foreign controlled, or socialist international allegiance;
Provision for Nationalist Unions;

Pro-Transportation :
Automotive, Aviation & Aerospace, Marine, Railroad;
integrated value added secure supply chain development;
Advanced Fuel Systems - extreme efficiency, low pollution;
Highway, Road & Bridge Construction, paving;
Airport runway paving, aero-industrial;
National Airport Development Program;
research, development & production;
elimination of DEF : diesel exhaust fluid;
high energy clean fuels, emissions technology;
Engine & vehicle innovation;
advanced propulsion and energy systems;
galvanized steel frames & structural components;
increased reliability and service ability;
Canadian automobile and parts infrastructure;;

Pro-Faith, Family, Freedom & Free Enteprise;
Pro-Private Property Rights;
End the War Against the Family;
End Genocide, super imposed technocracy;
End Microwave tower bio-hazard bio-weapons, smart meters;
End terrestrial and space based 5G weapon systems;
End Big Pharma Drug & so called "vaccine" bio-weapons;
End geo-engineering & weather warfare;
End chem trails, fog, DEW, NEXRAD bio-weapon deployment;
Problematic Windmill farms & cell phone towers;

Pro-Food, Clothing & Shelter
End GMO (novel foods), end food poisons;
End poisoning of the soil & water, end glyphosate, atrazine etc;
End war on natural food, supplement and alternative health;
End war against the bees, microwave, neocleotides, toxic chemicals;
Low cost housing, housing co-operatives, innovation, production;
Problematic survival : Food banks & homelessness, mobility;
agriculture, farm and garden food co-operatives;

Promote natural food & health
Remineralization of the soil, bio-dynamic, organic;
Promote family farm, gardening, agriculture;
Deep winter greenhouse & self-sufficiency;
Made in Canada farm equipment;
Made in Canada appliances;
Food & health awareness and education;
Food self sufficiency, national, regional and local;

Textiles, Leather, boots & shoes;
all kinds of dedicated gear, clothing, equipment;
camping, expedition, survival, combat equipment;

reduce drugs, neurotoxins, related bio-weapons;
alcohol & drug addiction remedies;

promotion of character building;
personal and professional development;

Pro-Construction :
Housing, enterprise, industry & mega projects;
secure supply chain infrastructure;
nation building projects, public works;
architecture, engineering, construction & project management;
infrastructure development and management;
more reliable & affordable vehicles;

Pro-energy :
Big Oil & Petro Chemical Industries & manufacturing;
Hydro Projects & Nuclear Power & Advanced Energy Systems;
End toxic fracking & environmental destruction;
End the war on fossil fuels;
Extreme Efficiency Advanced Fuel Systems;
Promote inline mobile water turbine power;
Promote electrodynamic energy systems;

Pro-Environment and Eco-conscious
power dams : silt to the ocean & lakes;
Reduction of Plastic pollution;
End microwave & 5G genocide;
End toxic poison into the ground, air, water and food;
garbage dump, landfill, recycling, incineration;
toxic zones, chemical pollution, browns lands - detox;
soil remineralization & restoration;
Pro-Sovereign Natural Resources;
Farming, Fishing, Forestry, Mining, Agriculture;

Pro-Active Lifestyle
Promote Eco tourism, adventure, exploration. expeditions, outdoors;
Sports, Fitness & Health;
Personal, Professional & Enterprise Development;
Community Economic Develpment;
Tourism & Travel in Canada;

Education, trade & Technology Devlopment Program

Pro-Commerce & Trade
Pro-economic nationalism;
International Trade & Development Agency;
First Nations trade & Development Agency;
Reduction and elimination of inter-provincial Trade Retrictions;
alternative and private currencies;
Canadian Dollar International Trade;
End National Security threats concerning investment & control;
Promote : industries, enterprise;
natural resources, processing & added value chain development;
transportation & energy infrastructure;
Re: Inter-provincial trade barriers;
Expand Canadian dollar international trade;

Pro-Free Enterprise
Entrepreneurs, Enterprise, private and public corporations & entities;
Invention, Innovation & Intellectual Capital & Property;
Capital Vault Incorporated - CVIx Continnum

Elimination of Technocracy;
Health Sovereignty - end "vaccine" bio-weapons;
End of the Surveillance State;
End Weaponized social media, cell phones, AI etc;
End war on natural foods & supplements;
End Quiet Weapons for Silent Wars;

Euro-Canadian & European ethnocentric;
advanced civilization restoration;
End cultural & sexual genocide;

Pro-Active Europe - ethnocentric
crusades : counter-measures for invasion, race replacement, kalergi etc
renaissance, invention, art, music, science,
architecture, design engineering, construction
government, nation state sovereignty;
sovereign currency and central banks;
alternative & local currency;
international trade;

Pro-European Crusades
Promote sovereign currency & central banks;
Sovereign payment infrastructure;
Nationalist private and public stock exchange;
Revitalized Industry and Enterprise;
Counter-measures to de-industrialization, depopulation;

We acknowledge the war against the family, it is comprehensive;
zero estate tax, inheritance tax, wealth transfer tax, probate, capital gains;
business and family trusts, wealth generation & management, family farm & lots for housing;
simplified income tax, not extreme "progressive tax" after 40 hours;
reduction of expropriation, taxation land acquisition;
estate management integrity : against crime, fraud, forgery, embezzlement, trustee ethics, power of attorney;

Remedies for : elderly abuse, parent abuse, alienation of parents with chidren by anyone, weaponized and unethical trespassing or denial of access for parents, counter-measures to narcissistic control freak and vindictive family members;

remedies for health, cognitive decline, memory, relationship and management integrity;
increased pension revenue, zero tax on supplemental or other income;
food co-operative food dividends;
Remedies for ther problematic property and education tax;
Problematic cost of living, utilities & other expense;
Education Tax : not to finance public cultural genocide etc et al;
Education tax : private & religious schooling options;
Family Integrity : network of care;
Promotion of having family in ethnocentric family values;
End the war against children, sex trafficking, pedophilia, infanticide, genocide;
End cultural and sexual genocide in the Education system and mass media;
Parent rights, health sovereignty;
Protector M1A-R;

Pro-Peace, Order & Good Government
end treason, high treason, double agents, treachery;
End anti nation state sovereigny & related genocide & destruction;
Promote character, ethics, nation building, true sovereignty;
creativity & integrity, family values, true values;

zero electronic voting;
zero foreign occupied government and double agents;
acknowledge demographic race replacement voting warfare;
acknowledge anti-Canadian elements and entities etc;
zero supra-national entities, organizations, agendas or agreements;
not oligarcy, not imbecilcracy, not kleptocracy;

accountability to constutuents & recall and recourse;
revise union constitution with allegiance to the social international;
Provision for Nationalist Unions;

Pro-Free Speech
decentralized and secure communication;
Re: Mass media, big tech & social media - counter-meaures;
control, ownership, voting, editing & censorship;
Canadian Values, History & ethnocentric media, news, entertainment;
Public infrastructue in social media, email, internet : Rights;
True, real, factual History, not revisionism, destruction of history;
Protection of Statues related to Canadian Traditional History;
Sovereign communications systems;
all government communications : public media infrastructure;
news release not on private foreign media;

End illegal hate speech laws;
End cultural genocide, propaganda, PsyOps, mind control;
End CBC anti Canadian, anti-family, anti true values, cultural genocide;
End foreign control and influence;
End mass media subsidies that pay for disinformation, censorship;
End influence by enemies foreign and domestic, double agents, fifth column;
regulations relating to foreign owned social media and email;
Provision for Nationalist Unions;
End war on anti-vaxxers or pro individual and health sovereignty;
End anti white anti straight white systemic racism;

Play a new game with the alternate reality creation engine

We know exactly how to
revitalized, redevelop and rebuild the national dream!

We know we can build great things together
for an awesome quality of life in an awesome Canada !

Pro-Canada is not politics as usual - the status quo is totally unacceptable;

You can do e-Transfer contribution for political revitalization, industrial economic redevelopment and real measurable progress on the nation state sovereignty project; Volunteer, members, contributions, infrastructure.

E-Transfer Reference: see comments;

Contact Pro-Canada - Nation State Sovereignty Project

More details will follow with your membership card and corresponding benefits including articles

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Dedicated to the awesomeness of Canada and Canadians

Dux Bellorum