Genocide -Treason - War Series : Canada vs Citizens
Genocide is a favourite pastime of the federal government simply by observation:
- Multiculturalism Act : white genocide, white replacement, anti white, immigration, invasion, asylum, migration, super imposed genocide destruction of the white Canadian founding people, ethnocentric warfare;
- microwave and 5G bio-weapons, super imposed genocide, with little or no recourse;
- the so called “Vaccine” race specific super imposed bio-weapon of the “plandemic” etc et al;
- foreign occupied government, genocide and destruction or real Canadian values;
- anti-family anti family values, the war against the family;
- anti fossil fuel, the global warming hoax, carbon tax, on tax on tax etc, supra national unconstitutional agreements, enforced regulations;
- anti-industry and enterprise, aka club of Rome, etc et al, de-industrialization;
- anti free enterprise, the war on the middle class, enterprise;
- anti nation state sovereignty, corresponding agreements of foreign occupied government, allegiance to foreign criminal agencies, supra national entities and agreements (private corporations engaged in terrorism and genocide, race replacement migration etc et al, WEF, WHO, UN etc et al;
- Genocide of government, government by imbeciles, imbecilocracy,
- treason and high treason, the badge of honour, double agents, breach of trust, conflicts of interest
- crime, treason, genocide, war, immorality, sickness, disease and death, not Peace, Order and Good Government;
- enemies foreign and domestic, enemy combatants, wars of aggression, proxy wars for our enemies who have declared war against us;
- immigration and citizenship to enemies, with or as religions, who have publicly declared war against us, (goblins vs goyim & infidels), white genocide; diversity is a code word for white genocide;
- genocide of free speech with illegal hate speech laws; truth is not hate speech; censorship;
- genocide of people with sexual perversion, abortion, euthanized, sterilized (5G etc), mind control, DEI;
- fear and trauma based mind control, use of AI social media for social engineering mind control;
- Democide, race replacement, EDA – electoral district association, voting demographic warfare;
- political parties having double agents and traitors, foreign occupied government;
- cultural and sexual genocide, “cultural marxism” “post modernism”;
- government genocide, super imposed communism, socialism, authoritarianism, totalitarianism etc et al;
- debt created money, re: 1974 Bank of Canada; treasury bonds, not real money, electronic only money;
- mismanagement of natural resources, provisions for globalist plundering, criminal and unethical selling out the country;
- legalization of drugs and related bio-weapons, vaping, hard drugs, over the counter Pharma drugs;
- Big Pharma : super imposed drugs and vaccine genocide;
- Big Tech : AI and social media platforms, mind control, social engineering, cultural destruction etc et al;
- Mass media : owned, voted, controlled, editing and censorship, official narrative, anti nation state sovereign and by enemies foreign and domestic, foreign occupied government, double agents 5th column, social engineering and foreign influence, influence by enemies foreign and domestic
- genocide and war against citizens, anti private property, anti personal defence, anti gun laws, no militia;
- anti National Defence, vaccine genocide against CAF, destruction of Avro Arrow, submarines & surface vessels etc et al, genocide and destruction of defence capability, defence doctrine, defence mission, defence values and tradition, defence procurement, defence technology and industrial base, subjecting national security threats to be neutralized by those government MPs operating as double agents, engaged in treason and high treason;
- Federal & provincial government engaged in industrial and enterprise genocide;
- anti nuclear technology, against high flux density energy generation, alternative suppressed advanced technology;
- anti advanced fuel systems technology, extreme efficiency,,,, etc et al, and the continued war on carbon and fossil fuels;
- anti railroad, destruction of track, locomotive, rail car production and capacity, infrastructure and advanced steam electro-dynamic locomotive engines;
- genocide and destruction of the automobile industry, autoparts, and automotive self sufficiency & supply chain;
- Censorship, information wars, PsyOps, propaganda, various forms of mass media genocide and social engineering, influence and cultural distortion, official narrative, misinformation, AI social media platforms, mind control;
- genocide of nation state sovereignty and ethnocentric identity, destruction territorial integrity, mass white replacement invasion, immigration and migration, problematic border security and law enforcement;
- immigration warfare, social assistance, job finding, suppress wages with low wage labour, replace white jobs, unfair voting rights, citizenship, pension benefits, other special perks and programs, money, housing etc et al;
- genocide and destruction of basic life elements of Food, clothing & shelter, textile industry, polluted food and chemical agriculture, GMO, glyphosate, honey bee extinction (5G etc) high housing costs, homelessness;
- genocide of trade, industry enterprise sovereignty with international trade agreements, CETA, NAFTA, TPP, USMCA etc;
- genocide and destruction of shipping & marine craft industry, aerospace industry, space technology, machinery and advanced manufacturing, oil industry, secure supply defence infrastructure, natural resource control and mining, material processing sovereignty;
In accordance with Peace, Order and Good Government;
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