◆ criminal-code-religion in Canada
Obstructing or violence to or arrest of officiating clergyman
- 176 (1) Every person is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than two years or is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction who
- (a) by threats or force, unlawfully obstructs or prevents or endeavours to obstruct or prevent an officiant from celebrating a religious or spiritual service or performing any other function in connection with their calling, or
- (b) knowing that an officiant is about to perform, is on their way to perform or is returning from the performance of any of the duties or functions mentioned in paragraph (a)
- (i) assaults or offers any violence to them, or
- (ii) arrests them on a civil process, or under the pretence of executing a civil process.
- Marginal note:
Disturbing religious worship or certain meetings
(2) Every one who wilfully disturbs or interrupts an assemblage of persons met for religious worship or for a moral, social or benevolent purpose is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction. - Marginal note:
(3) Every one who, at or near a meeting referred to in subsection (2), wilfully does anything that disturbs the order or solemnity of the meeting is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-46, s. 176 2018, c. 29, s. 13.12019, c. 25, s. 59
Amazing how much the Canadian government and law enforcement discriminates against Christians and favours actual foreign governments masqueraiding as religions, who officially classify Christians as the enemy in many ways, including official policy on violence and death, which is actually practiced in foreign countries against Christians.
Of course the Canadian and provincial government is known to break the law, known as the British North America Act, in addition to other so called laws, such as the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Bill of Rights which makes it evident criminals in government don't expose other criminals or get charged for crimes including breaking the criminal code, since they are all in the same criminal organization with allegiance to a foreign criminal agency, as if evidenced by actual compromised and total failure of the military as defined in the Defence Mission and Defence Doctrine, (with the corresponding genocide and bio-terrorism against the armed forces personnel), federal police and or military/paramilitary and related law enforcement, including the Elections Canada and related Elections Act, actually guilty of not doing their job in arresting or charging individuals, or having people disqualified, or imprisoned or executed for their serious crimes; notwithstanding that;
Many people in federal and provincial government are engaged in genocide and war, as enemies foreign and domestic and enemy combatants, that represent real national security threats; (this is not illegal hate speech, since the voting record, policy development, legislatoin and enforcement, for, against or obstaining is public record);
are actively engaged in treason, high treason, terrorism, bio-terrorism, religious warfare, all manner of genocide, the war against the family and true values, the war against Christians, which is anti-Christ;
in addition to the mass media, big tech social media, and of the newspapers, television channels, with and radio being owned, controlled, voted, by enemies foreign and domestic, including governments masqueraiding as religions and religous war, with the power to produce, promote or otherwise publicize or broadcast, anti Canadian, anti true values,
with the related ability and actions to edit, censor or eliminate entirely free speech alternative opinions or facts, real history, including history revisionism,
the labelling or representation of white people, straight white males in particular, nationalists, patriots, people with real family values, having considerable emphasis on immorality, total sexual degeneracy, race genocide, total sexual genocide corruption, real family genocide, race mixing, the diversity is strength mind control social engineering psycological wars,
including the suppression of truth about so called covid 19, pandemic, virus, vaccine bio-weapons, the financial and political machinations, including money trails, offshore banking, illegal unethical government financial transactions and business with known terrorists and terrorist organizations and related entities, supra-national entities and organizations, agendas, Protocols and related evidence of control, crime, treason, genocide, war, immorality, anti nation state sovereignty, including sovereign debt free national money and control, along with people involved in gencode, big pharma, world eugenics, transhumanism, the ingredients of the so called vaccine, which is a bio-weapon, any and all forms of new world order, whether recognized or not, whether stated or not, including any and all criminals and rogue agents in rogue organizations and entities or departments, including any and all levels of government, the promotion of information war, propaganda, the labelling of truth, facts or even alternative belief and opinion as misinformation;
including the use or creation of illegal anti hate laws which is anti freedom of speech, and anti truth, anti alternative opinions, anti-morality or belief, including considerable corruption and immorality and anti-nation state agenda,
with super imposed immoral zero values social engineering, genocide, PsyOps and related acts of aggression and wars of aggression;
including; WHO, UN, WEF, illegal internation pandemic treaty, and related supra-national illegal entities, organizations and otherwise, that represent real national security threats, and extremism, anti-moral and anti-Christian and anti-nation state sovereignty and also includes anti econmomic nationalism, anti health individual sovereignty, and the super-imposed genocide of the fraudulent and bogus covid 19, the so called war on misinformation, the labelling of truth, facts or alternate views or beliefs as hate speech,
in addition to the corrupt judicial system with the courts and the illegal transfer of power from the illegal 1982 Constitution, staffed by people who are anti nation state, anti Canadian, are not real Canadians, are not Canadian Nationalists, and discriminate against Christians, Nationalists, are against debt free sovereign money and soverieign health and sovereign banking and sovereign industry,
with the emphasis on race genocide, sexual genocide, industrial genocide, such as Made in Canada genocide with 95% of stuff in stores Made in China, now that is racist and industrial genocide which is anti nation state and additional contrary to the Defence Mission, but what else would you expect from a Minister of Defence that is anti-Canadian and not an individual as a real Canadian founding people nationalist, someone totally unqualified and disquallified, wrong nationality, wrong religion, wrong character, wrong allegiance, wrong proxy war, wrong intel, wrong decisions, wrong aircraft from the wrong country, wrong defence procurement policy, wrong everything;
"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men wh suppress the truth in unrighteousness". Romans 1:18
Gêner ou arrêter un ministre du culte, ou lui faire violence
- 176 (1) Est coupable d’un acte criminel passible d’un emprisonnement maximal de deux ans ou d’une infraction punissable sur déclaration de culpabilité par procédure sommaire quiconque, selon le cas :
- a) par menaces ou violence, illicitement gêne ou tente de gêner un officiant dans la célébration d’un service religieux ou spirituel ou l’accomplissement d’une autre fonction se rattachant à son état, ou l’empêche ou tente de l’empêcher d’accomplir une telle célébration ou de remplir une telle autre fonction;
- b) sachant qu’un officiant est sur le point d’accomplir, ou est en route pour accomplir une fonction mentionnée à l’alinéa a), ou revient de l’accomplir :
- (i) ou bien se porte à des voies de fait ou manifeste de la violence contre lui,
- (ii) ou bien l’arrête sur un acte judiciaire au civil ou sous prétexte d’exécuter un tel acte.
- Note marginale :
Troubler des offices religieux ou certaines réunions
(2) Est coupable d’une infraction punissable sur déclaration de culpabilité par procédure sommaire quiconque, volontairement, trouble ou interrompt une assemblée de personnes réunies pour des offices religieux ou pour un objet moral ou social ou à des fins de bienfaisance. - Note marginale :
(3) Est coupable d’une infraction punissable sur déclaration de culpabilité par procédure sommaire quiconque, à une assemblée mentionnée au paragraphe (2) ou près des lieux d’une telle assemblée, fait volontairement quelque chose qui en trouble l’ordre ou la solennité.
- L.R. (1985), ch. C-46, art. 176 2018, ch. 29, art. 13.12019, ch. 25, art. 59
C-63, covid 19 lockdowns, the emergency act, all illegal, criiminal and unconstitutional, anti christian, laws against quoting the bible, laws and arrests for preaching against sexual immorality and total sexual perversion etc et al, seems rather hateful, right? Yet foreign religions and foreign governments masquerading as religions who have declared war on us, such as we can plainly read their war against us, and yet that is not considered hate speech, no, rather import, allow invasion, race migration, asylum (from criminals and lunatics, mental degenerate) obscene immigration, race replacement etc et al, from people totally against us, with endless anti white and related actions and speech…amazing, importing national security threats by the millions, talk about treason, high treason and genocide including race and cultural genocide, attacks on our history, achievement, institutions, family, individuals, free speech and all the things WE built and are building.
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Dux Bellorum
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