Airport Notes

Notes: In accordance with the Battlegroup 301 Aeropark development, the Capital Vault Incorporated CVIx Advanced Projects, and the related companies and various facilities can be built, located and operated.

General administration and specific programs, projects, technology, products and services are envisioned. More details are available to members, in addition to the Airport Commission and the area or regional Economic Development Commission.

Various entities, companies, capital structure, securities, and other general or specific transactions have been developed for the success of the airport and the aero-industrial enterprise and is covered in greater detail.

Working with what exists and securing every advantage to be able to do what we envision is essential.

It is possible facilities upgrades are required or need to be planned for. This might include asphalt runway paving, taxi way extensions, utilities infrastructure and so on. Independent aero-industrial buildings and hangars can also include independent water wells for dual water and geo-thermal capacity.

The idea is creative solutions to create more possibilities, achieve goals and succeed at mission tasking.The same applies for septic tanks, buying group or contractor work. Electric toilets may be also utilized at considerable immediate and long term cost savings.

Efficient building design may include heated floors, insulated, structural insulated panels, blocks, trusses, steel and cement supply. Many resources, and business combinations exist and are possible to work o build great things together. This is possible with focus, commitment and values. This can be simple in that anyone in a community may contribute to something. Starting with one industrial or aero-industrial building or hangar is essential. This could all be in trust. The people and community and industry benefit.

This simple idea can be expanded to include a community dividend, that can be proportional to the contribution. This of course can be more comprehensive with capital structure and securities, with a prospectus or a simplified executive summary and securities summary where the return on investment and any other rights, conditions, conversion or other options are clearly documented. So, it is essential that people know many things are possible.

With a typical scenario that since banks do no usually finance projects without title to land, and most airports never want to relinquish title, we have problems, opportunities and challenges. We go forward beyond problems. Problems are temporary and can be rendered non-existent. With creative imagination a world of options, resources and capabilities in strategic, operational and tactical advantage can be explored, developed and utilized for what we envision, need and desire, that is relevant, awesome, exciting and mutually beneficial, with genius, intensity, solid character, understanding and vision.

Looking at the airport landscape across Canada, the reality is evident. Growth is reduced to rubble, like the asphalt and dreams of pilots and aerospace and aviation industry enthusiasts.

On the plus side, with Capital Vault Incorporated and Intergalactic Securities & Management Corporation, the ownership, title (including multiple) voting and control can easily be configured, which is a lot more advanced and dynamic than any typical investment group. This offers a massive degree of Strategic Risk Management and asset protection, in addition to a vastly increased capability for liquidity, exit options and even IPO launch capabilities (with pre-IPO management in place).

Private ownership on the other hand can transform an airport industrial and commercial area into something more revitalized.

Not everyone has unlimited money through public stock markets and not every airport prospers from rich air traffic demographics, which can also suffer in an economic downtown, which has been the as in Canada with the all out war against anything made in Canada.

If we look at the wealth of a community, the potential for discretionary spending and investment in an airport or aero-industry region and enterprise zone, can be considerable, if we only do the math, find what amount and what kind of resources are required. There is both financial and non-financial investment, as anyone would know studying Battlegroup 301 Incorporated or Capital Vault Incorporated.

The magnitude of difference between that and an ordinary financial manager, wealth or portfolio manager is incredible. How many of those people can redirect financial resources from their community back into their community? If you look at their financial products and services, what is authorized and acceptable is usually only what the head office specifies, so it is essentially a vacuum of wealth directed to a place and people that have absolutely no real care or concern about people, jobs, careers or community other than their own. This is tragic beyond measure, however a reality in Canada, eh!

All this can be done with money, power, machinery and people. Resource constraints or other limitations can be augmented and amplified considerably with co-operation, creative imagination and a focus on the goal, step by step with applied energy, determination, resolution and resourcefulness. This is normal for personal and enterprise development and the ideal of nation building and industry revitalization.

So, now this goes full circle and we arrive to the point of individual personal responsibility. This means that if your investment manager and portfolio is not up to the task, does not really pay or generate the return of investment, which may include multiple bottom lines, and with both tangible and intangible benefits, in addition to being in control of your destiny, which means you have ownership, control, voting and editing power, like a good newspaper should from a local community point of reference, more democracy is possible. A simple equation, right? We have plenty of companies and capital structure options that go way beyond the average stock market and investment manager.

The airport, people, companies, ideas all exist. More resources and capital is required. People to be involved and make a difference in anyway they can is important. Many hands make light work always applies. If we look at a simple math equation where we need $250,000 and there are 50,000 people, only $5.00 for each person is required. Poof, there is your building. Any community can have an industrial park build up quickly over time instead of post apocalyptic scenarios in their back yard.

More can be done with the investment of materials and time such as labour. Contractor trades are well positioned, even though they do not need to provide all of their work or materials as an investment, but what they choose. This is a lot more advanced and flexible than the Habitat for Humanity idea. Now with the new building in place, guess what happens? Machinery, materials, people, jobs, careers, business transactions, research and development, prime contract, industry products and services, co-development, general and strategic enterprise and industry will not find out about it in mainstream fake stream news...sorry to break it to you, in case you didn’t know.

Of course, usually in any town or community there are always a few who own or control huge commercial assets, sometimes available, affordable or not. Monopoly control, council control or other impediments can reduce the financial, industry and enterprise prospects, possibilities and probabilities. Maximum wealth generation regardless of the other costs and risk present problems that can be solved, or simply nothing happens, less than the ideal, possible nothing or business goes elsewhere in a place with people who see the vision, understand the possibilities and get involved with co-operation in a new kind of adventure.

Areas where drug addictions, cell phone OCD addictions, or a dysfunctional social environment that does not have true values, good solid family values or even a basic industrious work ethic, or may even have a shortage of motivation and will power, or have governing or political entities and agents that practice genocide, treason and crime, or if people have no resolution to make their community, industries and quality of lives better, considerable problems in new wealth generating power.

Challenges exist to locate industry or to continue enterprise operations in areas without strong social conservative values and other some things are relevant and some things obsolete. Character is essential, without it, there is nothing.

The jet stream vision is crystal clear brilliant aerospace genius and creative imagination.

What can an individual do? Response, enthusiasm and interest, are all important. To take the initiative, effort and action, read, think, imagine, dream, talk about it, contribute, reroute, stockpile ad deploy financial and non-financial resources, use your connections, make things happen.

We can predict the future because we are creating it. Choice points in the time the programs of destiny...your opportunity is unprecedented and without parallel, except in a parallel universe...of course!

There really are a lot of interesting possibilities worth exploring...these notes may expand awareness and offer some elements for consideration. Even though there may exist problems, problems are temporary in nature if we deal with them. This starts with the acceptance and proactive character of individual responsibility. Going beyond problems, we also strive to create something new, imagination and effort at work, we must go beyond what is, what is does not cut it, we can do better, like the room for continuous improvement, boots on the ground, people, resources, machinery, materials, plans - a vision, an idea that transforms the landscape, transforms the airspace. Get with the program!